My name is Michael Furtman, and I'm a full-time, freelance
writer and photographer. Read my full biography
Except when I'm
forced to sit at the old computer, my life revolves around the
outdoors. I'm
an unabashed environmentalist, hunter, wilderness
canoeist, angler, and, well, just an all around outdoor bum. I've
written zillions of magazine articles, quite a number
of books, and sold a bunch of photographs, all of which have focused on natural history,
the environment, outdoor recreation or conservation.
I'm glad you stopped by. To the left you'll find links to my books, my
articles, and my photography. Feel free to browse, and if you
see something you like, I hope you'll consider a purchase. All
of my books and photographs are available on-line here, and I'd
be most pleased to sell you signed copies.
Drop me an
email if
you have any questions.